The 2012 Metamorphosis Meme Oracle
What kind of Ending will produce the best Beginning for the Coming 2012 Age? This is the question addressed in a group divination at a three-day workshop on The Toltec I Ching in Southern Oregon,...
View Article2012 and the Spirit of the Age
Whether the ancient Mayans intended it or not, the end of their calendar coincides with a profound turning point in human civilization. This comprises what Carl Jung called a synchronicity. A term...
View Article2012 Spring Equinox Oracle
The rains have returned to the Pacific Northwest, the morning mists float above the town below. The dense air dampens sound—and light. They are gray sounds that climb the hill to my little hermitage,...
View ArticleSummer Solstice 2012 Oracle
I am in Ithaca, New York, analyzing the Oracle’s answer to the charge I placed before it several hours ago. It is the evening of the Summer Solstice, 2012, and the Mayan Calendar will turn over for...
View Article2012 Oracle: Autumnal Equinox Divination
The migration has begun. In the outer realm, the over-wintering birds are arriving: the Northern Shoveler, the American Wigeon and Coot, the Wilson’s Snipe, The Long-Billed Dowitcher, the Greater...
View Article2012 Winter Solstice Oracle: The Age Of Light
An alligator barks at something in the night. Limpkins call eerily in the bayou out beyond the mosquito screening. A pale green luna moth flutters at the window light. I’ve travelled to the...
View ArticleThe World Savings Initiative
If we want things to stay the same, everything is going to have to change.–Giuseppe Tomasi di Lampedusa It seems inevitable that a time comes when people across the globe create a mechanism by which to...
View ArticleThe World Government-In-Exile: A Manifesto
The world is my country, all mankind are my brethren and to do good is my religion.– Thomas Paine It is not given to every generation to take the reins of fate in hand at an historic turning point of …...
View ArticleThe Mandate of Heaven II
The Toltec I Ching is the first completely new version of the I Ching in modern times. Such was not my intention when I stepped onto this path some 45 years ago. As dedicated to the classic King Wen...
View ArticleEmbodied Ecstasy
To be a diviner, one must live like water. Preamble The path of wisdom has a single fixed destination: The Ecstatic Life. All other attainments are merely way stations on the Great Sojourn, for...
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